Lately he has had his eye on a Star Wars Lego kit. Justin and I decided it was time to implement the "chore chart" and give our little man a lesson in delayed gratification. We worked up a little chart that he fills out each week. Each chore in the grid has a money value. We added items like make your bed, bring up your dirty laundry, pick up toys to the tasks he already does around the house. At the bottom we made a place for him to earn an extra quarter each day for laying out his clothes for the next day and having a "NO WHINING" day.
I'm pretty proud of Jacker. He's all about his little chart. He's eager to help out each night and checks off his sheet with us each evening. He has his bank out on his night stand to house the money that he earns.
We are also including some money managing skills along with this little chore chart. If you haven't checked out, you should give it a gander. It has some great resources for teaching your child about saving, tithing and spending. It's hard to believe that my little guy is old enough to learn the ins and outs of responsibility. I love watching him be a little helper and take part in a little delayed gratification....a good lesson for all of us!