Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Over Christmas break, Jack realized he had a loose tooth. While for most youngsters this is a right of passage and they are thrilled, my Jacker was terrified! He was convinced it was going to hurt and he would allow NO ONE to touch it. He even was scared as he went to school and heard that Mrs. Huppert was the infamous tooth puller. He made me assure him that she would not touch his mouth! :) This was quite the ordeal in our home for a couple of weeks. Here you'll see the funny and painful process that he went through to lose that tooth. It's funny to me looking back on it at how fun it was to go through that process. Every little stage and issue brings new joy. I love my toothless little man!

Pictures Above: (Sorry they're backwards...I was having difficulty!) Jackson calling his Nana and Papaw to tell them he lost his first tooth. A picture of the "hanging" tooth.


BeHappyBeSweetBeYou said...

Toothless kids are so cute!! Max lost his two front teeth right before Christmas!!! Santa still hasnt brought them!! That is hilarious about Mrs. H. I didnt know that!!! :)

Jami said...

I am with Jack on this one. I don't like loose teeth. I remember being afraid of pushing it back that I might swallow it. And I still don't like looking at loose teeth. The thought of it dangling in their mouth is...well, YUCK!

BeHappyBeSweetBeYou said...

I just told Max about the plan for tomorrow night, and he said "OH MY GOSH IM GOING TO BE THERE A LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!". He is VERY excited!!!!