This evening I spent some time preparing a talk that I will give to a crowd of 70+ women next Monday night at our church's Christmas Tea. I had a lot of fun preparing it. I love it when God totally lays His word and His spirit in your lap! The talk is on Ephesians 4:29 and the power of our tongue. I was thinking of how powerful the thought really was and how it is such an important focus during Christmas season and ALWAYS. So...I've decided to share...
- Ever spend a lot of time wrapping your presents just right? (Truth be told, I'm a little OCD about this. I match my paper and only use two for my family's side presents and one for Justin's family's side) Jack and Sophie each get a specific print of paper and I go to great lengths to match the ribbons and bows on top. I should take a picture sometime of the tree with all the presents so neatly matched underneath. It's actually a little embarassing to admit just how much time I put into the whole wrapping thing. I mean really, it's just going to be TORN off!
Anyway, I recently read a book that got me to thinking...I spend all this time making sure my packages are beautiful before I give them away but what kind of present are my words?
Ugh! In the hustle and bustle of the season and the schedule of school, church, and outings, I have been known to spit out my fair share of ugliness. Oh- I'm not a cursing gal and I don't talk vulgar but my tone alone speaks volumes somedays. I also find myself in the midst of conversations that are less than wholesome or uplifting and yet, do I remove myself or speak up on behalf of the one being spoken of? Not always.
Ephesians 4:29 is a good reminder to us all. I would write it out here. But instead, I encourage you to get out your bible, read it aloud to yourself and say a little prayer that this season your words would be as beautiful as the packages you put under your tree!