Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tennis Anyone?

Mark and Jack playing tennis in the yard.
This picture just doesn't do this memory justice. I was able to snap this shot Tuesday night at our house after dinner when our good friend, Mark Spencer, was playing tennis with Jack out front in the yard. Mark is so good with Jack. He plays with Jack far longer than most adults would ever care to entertain a five year old. He plays virtually any game that Jack wants and he teaches Jack how to do things when he's just learning. While no one will ever take the place of the playmates that Jack has with his daddy, Mark just might come in a close second. I love how he takes the time to play with our little man and how he makes him feel so special. I know that Jack will have fond memories of all the fun stuff he's done with Mark through the years...riding the scooter, playing koosh ball, hunting caterpillars and playing hide and seek. I pray over Jack and the friends that he has and will have in the future. I know God will bless him with friendships of great value but there's just something to be said about an adult who mentors a child and becomes his friend!
What is a friend? I will tell you it is someone with whom you dare to be yourself. -Frank Crane


The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

HI Aimee!!

Sounds like Jack has a wonderful mentor - sooo important and such a blessing!! I think it is fantastic that you pray for those that come into your childrens lives. I've actually already started praying for my son and daughter's future spouses - and they are only 1 and 3!!!! I figure it's never too early to start! Ha!

Have a beautiful day!


PS. I posted a comment yesterday, and then noticed you put this post on. I just didn't want you to miss a comment because I sure know they are fun to get!!!

Jami said...

Oh fun for Jack to have someone who will play endlessly with him. Mark is a special person!