Monday, August 25, 2008

Lessons in Obedience

Tonight we were eating dinner with a reluctant five year old. He did the classic five year old plea.

Jack: Mommy I don't like noodles. I like them like hotdogs. (He hates hotdogs)
Me: Jack, you have to eat five bites.
Jack: How about four.
Me: How about six.
Jack: Five is good.

Time went on and Jack proceeded to whine. I told him all bargains were off and he needed to get up and get in the shower. Then he was headed to bed. Oh how the tears flowed. Isn't it funny how those tears hurt mamas worse than they ever hurt the kids? Once Jack got to bed we got out his Bible heros book and read about Isaac. The verse with that story tonight was all about obedience. Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Our discussion then went something like this:
Me: Who does obedience please?
Jack: Jesus
Me: Who else?
Jack: You and daddy.
Me: And when you please Jesus and mommy and daddy, who else is pleased?
Jack: Me. Because then I get to do fun things instead of go to bed!
Ahh, he's getting it. If only we could teach these lessons once. :)
Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love - Aristotle

Nana is the Coolest

Watch out bad guys!

Jack and Sophie's Nana is "the coolest"...Jack quote. Today they got a package in the mail - which totally excites Jack. In it was the normal Nana little presents, snacks and usually something homemade (Nana is quite the seamstress). This time the present included something extra special. One of Jack's favorite movies is Robin Hood. (Not Robin Hood the cartoon or Robin Hood Prince of Thieves...Robin Hood the classic complete with Errol Flynn) He has been asking Nana for a quiver just like Robin Hood for quite some time. That was the homemade goodie in the mail today. I wish you could have seen his face. He was so pumped! He instantly put the quiver on and loaded it with swords and went around the house battling bad guys.'re the coolest! The rear view!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If the shoes fit...

Sophie takes a walk in mama's shoes!

I love it when Sophie puts on my shoes (or anyone else's for that matter) like they belong on her feet! She is such a shoe girl! I still remember when she got her first pair of big girl shoes. She wasn't even one year old. She took those shoes in her hands and started to try to put them on her feet all by herself. She knew just where those things belonged! There's just something about cute little feet in great big shoes!

Check these out...I think they fit!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack's First Day

Jackson and his teacher, Mrs. Wortley

In some ways today I am glad that I am a working mom. You see, when you know that you have to go teach 21 little first graders, it makes it hard to let your blubbering sobs get the best of you. On Jack's first day of kindergarten, I walked him down to his room, helped him put his things away and gave him a kiss goodbye. Although I could feel the dreaded lump in my throat, I didn't let the sobs take over. After all, I had to go teach. Wow! I was so amazed at how grown up Jack was. He knew just what to do. Was a perfect gentleman and didn't even seem to scared that I was leaving him with a room full of strangers. It makes me sad to think of how fast the time has gone and that my baby boy is a kindergartener. However, I am one proud mama at the little boy he has become! I love you Jacker!

Jackson walking like the big man on campus!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Keeping My Head Above Water

It's that time of year again. School has begun and I am now juggling the role of working mom. Although I have an amazing husband who MORE than shares the load at home, I never fail to feel the back to school crunch over overwhelmingly learning to "rebalance" my load.
I've not blogged for days. My goal is to do a couple of entries a week. I also have great pictures of Jackson from the first day of school. This is week #2 of school so hopefully as this week progresses, I will find my pace and feel a little more grounded in the this juggling act of school, wife, mom and Awana coordinator. Whew! I love it all but this transition is never easy. Time to check on my tucked in little tyke. I just heard the bellow of "Mommy" from his room. :) Good night!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The School Year Begins

Right now I'm alone at home waiting to head to our back to school district meeting. Justin has taken the kids to daycare. (Today is Jack's last day with Linda) As I sit here, I'm pondering this new year. Of course I love the beginning of school so I'm excited for my personal classroom experience. However, that's not what has me thinking this morning.
Tonight I will take my little man to his classroom for the first time. He's one whole hand old and off to kindergarten. Jacker... where has our time gone? I'm excited for his experience. I know he'll do great. He has an awesome teacher that I know will love him to pieces - the good and the bad. :) I'd be lying through my teeth though if I didn't say today brings a tear to my eye. It truly seems like just an instant ago I was learning how to do all those motherly baby things and figuring out Jack's personality, playing pat-a-cake and sword fighting in the living room like a ninja. I have enjoyed every second of these last five years. I'll hold my tears back tonight as I help him unpack his backpack of supplies at open house. But, excuse me while I wipe my tears for baby is a kindergartener!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Leroy Russel: The Big 8-0

I just love surprise birthdays! I love the look on the guest of honor's face when they realize everyone in the room is there for THEM! What a great feeling.

Today we attended a very dear friend's 80th surprise birthday party. This friend is especially dear because he and his wife babysat my brother and I all through childhood. They have become our adopted family. Leroy and Carol Sue are like our own grandparents. They even sat as my grandparents at my wedding. They have mentored me spiritually and supported me all through my life. It was so fun today to see everyone celebrate him. When I think about 80 years of life and how much living that actually is - it is a little overwhelming. What am impact his 80 years have been. Leroy and his wife are Christian pillars that have modeled the faithfulness and steadfast virtues of living a life for Christ daily to so many people. I can't even imagine the long list of lives they have touched and brought to the Lord. My life has been blessed because Leroy is a part of it. Happy Birthday Leroy! I love you bunches!

Carol Sue, Leroy and I...The Birthday Smooch!

The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune - Unknown